Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed here please feel free to call us at (330) 510-1103 or fill in the Contact Us form below, and we will try to answer any and all questions you may have.

1. Who Are You?

We are Grant & Elisha. We are the main duo of “We Buy Houses In Ohio”. Of course, we have a team that consists of an excellent title company, our contractors and financial partners (if the deal warrants it)!

Our “About Us” page will give you a very detailed picture of who we are, and what we are about. 

2. What Do You Do?

We Pay Cash For Houses In Ohio, in any condition, or location. That is basically the gist of it. We are the ideal alternative if you need to sell your house without wanting to deal with the hassles of traditional listings and realtor fees. Even if time is not much of an issue, but you would still like to avoid the expenses and annoyances of listing your house for sale  in Ohio with an agent, we are the perfect option.

3. Is A “We Buy Houses” Company Right For Me?

We are not desperate to sell our home in OH, nor are we in a hurry!

Believe it or not, the majority of sellers we have purchased houses in Ohio from were not desperate to sell (at all), nor where they trying to escape foreclosure.  Most of our clients choose us simply because they either have had bad experiences with agents, or they just don’t want to deal with repairs, constant buyer walk-throughs or any other hassles one experiences selling a house the traditional way.

Because we buy houses in any condition, as is, no matter the circumstance, location or issue you’re facing, we often are a great option to consider to sell quick, and hassle-free.

Let us figure out the numbers and how much we can offer you in cash for your home in OH, and we will advise you if listing with an agent would actually be more beneficial for you or not.  After all, it doesn’t hurt to get an offer from us, our offers are completely free without any obligation to accept!

4. Why Should I Choose You?

Honestly, you absolutely do not have to choose us!

We are not desperate.  We do not need to make a huge profit on each deal. By all means, do not let me tell you why you should choose us.

I will, however, tell you how we are different from the rest:

We Are A Top Ranked Home Buyer In Ohio!

I know, everyone says this, but I am sure you saw this yourself when you found us online at the top of Google! What does this mean? It means many people that have dealt with us and were pleased with the results. We do what we say and go through with the transaction. We are the popular choice.

We focus on you!

Let’s make sure you get cash for your house. Whether we buy your Ohio house in cash, or an other company that we have vetted, trust and like, gives you a higher offer, you can be certain you’ll get the highest offer on your house! Isn’t that nice of us?!

So no, you do not have to choose us, but if you do want to choose us, just fill in the form at the bottom and we will take care of you.

We are genuine, honest and we care. We are investors. Of course we need to make money, but that doesn’t mean it has to be at your expense, and that doesn’t mean we cannot go out of our way to genuinely help you without expecting anything in return!

5. Will Cash Home Buyers List My House On The MLS?

We will not list your house on the MLS. We are not agents.  Our intention is to buy your house in cash, renovate it in case any work needs to be done on it and sell it. We have many solutions for buying your house, including seller financing, wholesaling and, of course, buying it for cash.  All this ensures you will get your house sold fast!

6. How are you different from a real estate agent?

An agent does not actually buy your house, they market your house on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), in hopes a buyer will be interested. Unfortunately, agents charge pretty substantial commissions and fees. Listing your house in Ohio with an agent can mean you pay closing costs, title fees, and have to tolerate countless walk-throughs while the house is on the market (which can be a long time).

We are two people with the cash and connections to other cash buyers interested in buying houses.  They get renovated and put back on the market for sale for a profit. We are cash buyers and investors. We are the ones actually buying your house. We skip the entire “agent” process and jump immediately to the offer and closing on your property you have for sale here in Ohio. We cover the usual expenses associated with selling a house like closing costs and inspections. The most notable difference is that we do not charge you any fees or commissions. As mentioned, we skip the entire “agent” process.

7. Should I just list my house in OH with an agent?

Honestly, we do not know… (yet)! We would need to take a look at your house, your situation, your timeline, your location your expectations, needs and requirements for us to give you a solid answer. And we are happy to provide you with our professional recommendation.

Many people do not understand the advantages and disadvantages of listing a house on the MLS. We would love to help you with this. If you would like that answer now, just fill in our form below and we will get in touch with you.  We can discuss what we believe is your best course of action regarding selling your house in Ohio.

8. How Do I Sell My House Fast For Cash?

Simply tell us a bit about your house. With this information we will do a market analysis on your house that will be used to present you with an all cash offer. If you accept that offer all there is left to do is receive your money at closing.

For more information visit  our “How Do I Sell My OH House Fast“page.

9. Are there any obligations after I fill in the form?

There are no obligations at all. We understand that you have options. We know there are people out there eager to scam you, and eager to take advantage of you and your situation. To distinguish ourselves from those guys, we make sure you know there are no costs to you. You truly have nothing to lose. We make you an offer and if you accept the offer, great! You will get your cash quickly. If you do not accept the offer we will do our best to guide you in the right direction.

10. Do I Need To Clean Before I Move Out?

In a word…nope. Don’t worry about anything. Take whatever you want to take and leave the rest.  And we’re talking food in the fridge, clothes on the floor, mattresses, desks, broken T’V’s and appliances,  furniture, etc. Believe me, we have seen it all (even big old rotted boats in the yard). So why not make things easier and just take what you want and say good riddance to the rest? 

11. Are there any fees or commissions to work with you?

There is no money out of your pocket. All fees are paid by us (we get it back when we sell the renovated house to an end buyer).

12. Do you pay fair prices for properties?

Yes, we definitely pay fair prices. But please know there is a difference between a fair price and market value. If the house is in bad shape, we take the market value of the house and subtract all the cost of repairs needed and we come up with number that is a fair price. In some special cases, we can present highly competitive offers at market value. However, usually those cases do not allow us to pay all cash. Seller financing is one example of such a case. 

13. My house is in pretty bad shape, will you still buy it?

We buy homes in Ohio in any condition, good or bad. We are mainly flippers, so the more room for improvement, the more attractive your house is to us. So, yes, absolutely! We’d love to buy your house even if it is in bad shape, and you may be surprised by how much we will offer for your house! Just fill in our form below and see how much we will offer you in cash for your house in OH!

14. How do you determine the price to offer on my house?

1. We Determine The Market Value Of Your Home In OH.

It all starts with a CMA ( Comparable Market Analysis). We look at all the houses that have recently been sold within a 1 mile radius of your house. They need to be very similar (comparable) to your house, (similar square footage, number of beds/baths etc. ).

Then we look at their sold prices, this gives us a very accurate market value of your house

2. We Determine The Cost Of Repairs.

The cost of repairs are those costs associated with bringing your house to a very similar condition as all the other houses in your area that are similar to yours that have recently been sold. During the walk-through, we note what needs to be repaired and keep a running total. We do this with the help of our trusted contractors. We want to keep the costs down so we only repair what we really have to repair.

Keeping costs down ensures the highest offer we can make to you.

3. We Make You An Offer.

Based on our findings which we share with you, we present you with our offer. Because we are transparent, we explain in full detail how we come up with the offer and show you the repairs and the CMA of your market. There is no obligation to accept the offer. You can ether accept the offer or decline it without cost as everything is free to you.

If you accept the offer, we can discuss a closing date, where you will receive your cash and be completely done with the house! Congratulations, you just sold your house without any hassle, fees or commissions. Here you will find an actual example explained in detail

15. Here is a common question:

How many houses do you buy and what will you do with my house?

We buy many many houses ;). And what we do with them? Simple. We renovate them and sell them again at a profit. We refurbish and bring new life to neighborhoods. Good for the people, good for the economy, good for everyone!

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